Wednesday, July 8, 2009


What do you do when you outgrow your cage?

When you know there is more to life then food?

When something calls you to reach out...

When you are willing to take the risk

And leave everything you have known

Because inside you

You know

The TRUTH is waiting for you

That you need to search

You want to experience the pain

You long to find the PEACE

You hear the VOICE

And there is nothing

That can hold you




  1. If i am the puppy, i also wish to be free.. hehe~

  2. You are right...the big brown one managed to get out.. but I am just kinda worried he would get under a car...

  3. Yesterday, when i came back from town, i saw a dog lying on the road, dying. I bet it was knocked by car. It is a death in front of me. Many might feel that a dog dying on the road is a normal scene, but for me I really feel sad. It's an animal's life. Honestly, i dare not to face death.

    I have a dog at home too and i love it. I really hardly imagine if my dog would get under a car. My dog's leg was once knocked by the car many years ago and she is now become "dog with special needs". She can't walk properly although many years after. How sad I feel when i saw my dog not running properly with its injured leg.

  4. It is for freedom that He came to set us free (Gal 5:1).

    Many times we may not feel this freedom. BUt then it is not feeling that rules. It is our legal status in Him.

    God created Adam and Eve in pre-lapsian freedom. But then, the enemy of man stole this innocence and freedom and gave us bondage instead, so that many would look around today and ask, "God created us? For what?"

    But to those who accept the atonement...of God Himself who came down to earth and in the person of JESUS revealed Himself to us and paid the price because men who judged Him said, 'how can you, a man call yourself God?'... to those who receive this atonement for our sins, freedom is given.

    However, just like the little puppies are kept in the cage to keep them safe, so that we may not all at once move in the freedom we have. As we get more and more into the rulebook (bible) that teaches us how to walk in this freedom, the more we will understand the REST of this freedom that He has purchaised for us by the blood shed on Calvary.

    The rules/commands of God sets us free...

    We'd think rules will bind...that is true with the world of man made rules. God's rule and rulership always brings freedom. As we learn to think in the way God thinks, we see true freedom.

    But this freedom may come with a struggle because the enemy of our soul does not want to see us walk in this freedom. We struggle not agains flesh and blood, but againts the powers of darkness that try to keep us in fear, condemnation, negative feelings, sinful pride, past sinful habits, etc.

    But once He has us, the Shepherd of our souls never leaves us or forsakes us. We can depend on Him.

  5. Free also refers to forgiveness of sin.

    It is the work of that deceptive devil that keeps on reminding us of our sin in order to hinder us from coming God.
    It is the devil that cripples our spirit so that we cannot walk properly with God.

    Know that we are set free by Jesus' blood.
    God's promise said:
    Though your sins are as red as blood
    I will clean you and make you as white as snow
    I will remember your sin no more.
