Wednesday, July 15, 2009


( I am writing in Malay and I will translate this post in English )

Jesus suruh saya menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia hari ini.

(Jesus asked me to write in Malay today)

Bila Tuhan panggil, saya ikut sahaja.

( When God calls , I follow )

Soalan yang Jesus timbul di hati saya ialah:

( The question that Jesus put in my heart is : )

Apakah kaitan di antara agama dan kebenaran?

(What is the relationship between religion and truth? )

Adakah agama sama dengan kebenaran?

( Is religion the same as truth? )

Jawapan saya ialah : sekiranya agama adalah sama dengan kebenaran,

( My answer is : if religion is the same as truth, )

kenapa terdapat pelbagai jenis agama?

( why are there many types of religion? )

Bagi saya, agama adalah cara manusia mencari dan cuba menulis tentang Tuhan.

( For me, religion is a way that human beings search and try to write about God )

Apabila kita bertemu dengan Tuhan, pengalaman itu susah di jelaskan.

( When we meet God, the experience is difficult to explain )

Anda mesti mengalaminya.

( You must experience it )

Tuhan lebih besar daripada apa yang boleh di tulis.

( God is larger than what we can write )

Saya bagi contoh daripada kehidupan saya.

( Let me give you an example from my life )

Saya pergi ke gereja sajak kecil. Saya semayang dan menyanyi.

( I went to church since I was a child. I prayed and I sang )

Saya percaya kepada Jesus.

( I believed in Jesus )

Walaubagaimanapun, bila saya bertemu dengan Jesus,

( Nevertheless, when I met Jesus )

semua itu rasa seperti tidak dapat mengambarkan Jesus sebenarnya.

( all this did not reflect what Jesus was really like )

Jesus panggil saya dengan arahan yang spesifik.

( Jesus called me and gave me a specific instruction )

Jesus suruh saya membantu semua manusia kenalnya.

( Jesus asked me to help all of humanity to know HIM )

Jesus kata dia adalah jalan ke keselamatan.

( Jesus said he is the way to SALVATION )

Kebenaran itu senang saja.

( This is a simple truth )

Saya penah mendengar orang kata, semua agama adalah sama, semua mengajar cara kehidupan yang baik.

( I have heard people say that all religions are the same,

all teach us how to live a good life )

Bagi saya ini adalah fokus yang silap.

( For me this is the wrong focus )

Apa gunanya kehidupan yang baik sekiranya kita tidak meneroka tentang jalan ke keselamatan?

( What is the use of a good life is we do not EXPLORE THE WAY TO SALVATION? )


  1. There is a hymn saying:
    All religions cannot save no matter how good.

    An illustration can be made like this:
    People do good and nobel deed to fellow human
    People believe in religions, man made god, nature, great people, super power, charms, idols

    All these show human's initiative to reach to God in heaven but none do.
    How to get to salvation then?
    Acts 4:12 gives the answer.
    "Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
    John 14:6
    Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through Me."

  2. Wow, this is my third attempt to post a comment..the net shut down twice!!!

    Thanks Jallin.

    I wonder how I should explain about salvation to someone who is seeking..
