Friday, July 31, 2009


Yes it is that time of the year...

The month of Freedom


What does it really mean?

"Let us mantain mental freedom"

The Guest Of Honour appealed tonight...

I wonder what he was thinking about...

What do you think it means.. mental freedom.

Are we independant?

What's missing in our so called Independance?

Yes politically we have moved from one adminsitration to another..

Yet is this where we want to be?

What will it take to claim real Independance?

It reminds me of these words

" Take this sinking boat

And point it home

You still have time...

Raise your hopeful voice

You've got a choice

You've made it now..."


  1. "Independence" means free from a power that over ruled us,
    a power that limit our freedom to do or to get what we wish for,
    Once "independence" is declared we are on our own,
    stand on our own foot,
    rule our own place and administer our own office.

    Spiritually, it means we are free from the bondage of spiritual world,
    forsake the worldly pleasure, and
    most of all inherit the kingdom of heaven.

  2. God bless you, woman of courage.
    Do not feel you are lonely,
    There is some one up there,
    concern about you,
    Reward your good deed.
    your word of encouragement,
    giving hope to those in bondage, and
    Helping those yet independent.

    For out of worldly misery,
    God is giving you a pure heart,
    To preach the word of comfort,
    to care those are week and unable,
    and reveal the heart of Mother Theresa,
    whose heart is full of sincere love.
    God bless you.
