Saturday, June 13, 2009


I have been thinking about writing this but I couldn't..

But I must try to tonight.

You see it's easier to keep a friend than to be a real friend and take the risk of losing your friend.

Now that I am born again I find it hard to be in a relationship without taking that step of bringing someone I care for to Christ.

Yesterday , as I took a ride with a dear friend to the airport, I told her that one regret I have is not sharing with a friend so close to my heart...and now I would never have that chance..

I wasn't born again then and I did not see the need to...

This morning a young man made a speech in my class for oral communication.

He spoke of his friend who died.

He said he was trully shaken...

When I gave him my feedback I spoke about how I felt about my friend who died,

my profound regret for not sharing about being a Christian.

My voice cracked and my eyes were burning...

All the eyes in the class stared at me , shocked...

I managed to control myself..

Later ... Jesus spoke to me to reach out to my mother

Now if I did not...I would definitly regret...

It was not easy...

I shared the experience of Jesus coming when my dad died...

And I shared about how the Holy Spirit touched me ever since Gabriel shared with me

( you can read this in Angelic Assistance...The Price Of Christ )

Well , she did not seem interested...

And I let it be....

I told myself there would be another day....

Then later this evening mum called me for no good reason...

Well, I felt then that she was interested....

How do you share with someone who has become comfortable with her own ways..?


  1. I always feel that the best way to reach out to anyone is with love and by our actions and as we all know Jesus loves us unconditonally and we are called to be Jesus to the people who come our way and when we take up the challenge to try to bring His love to others we are called to love in a very different way that probably calls us to change believing that "For things to change I must change". The wonderful thing for us is that as we celebrated Pentecost last Sunday we are reminded that we not alone in facing all the challenges that come our way as we can always call on the advocate,the Holy Spirit to strengthen us and assist us to change to see needs and the best ways to address those needs. As for mum I figure that you should shower her with lots of love and just spend more time with and reconnect with her again. This may be a bit tough with your very tight schedule but if you could just make her feel loved and that you do treasure the time you have with her and assure her she is not a burden it would certainly help her through this very lonely time and in time you could share more of your faith with her

  2. Thank you Mary.

    Yes I have been spending more time with mum.

    Well today, Sunday, we had fish porridge together which I managed to cook before going for my Christian Education bible study..

    She seemed more at peace.

    Before I left I prayed with her.. the way I spontaneously pray..Heavenly Father thank you for mum. I know she is faithful. I pray that you will touch her heart for only you can touch her heart.

    ( I prayed for many who were close, far away, close yet far away ...and who needed protection..)

    All this I pray in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

    You are right , Mary, reconnect...

    The thing is until now I never felt connected.

    Strange isn't it...

  3. basically I feel that your disconnect is your safety feature which you have developed to avoid being hurt a sort of defense mechanism. In your journey now it would be good if you could get in touch with yourself and begin a new chapter in your life doing what you have put aside for a long time now when you gave priority to being mother,daughter, wife etc instead of being just you...Carpe Diem

  4. To share God's word with parents is the most difficult things to do. They know us since our childhood.
    So, whatever the Holy Spirit speaks to you, just share it with them. Maybe asking them for a prayer of blessing can touch their hearts. I believe the Holy Spirit will continue to speak to them there after.
