Sunday, June 14, 2009


Today I realized how blessed I was to be alive.

I just had a conflict with someone dear to me

and I wanted to send a text message...dont take me for granted

I may be gone tomorrow.

I wanted to say it with anger and also seriously.

I wanted to be appreciated.

And you know what...

It nearly became a reality.

I was nearly killed by a bus.

Such a close shave...

I went to a bus station to give my student a set of survey forms ...

As I turned my Kembara to get to the main road

A huge bus swung round the corner...

There I was squeezed at the corner

In a spot the driver could not see...

I was shocked and so was he...

So today I thank you Lord for my life.

What can I do more to be worthy of a second chance.

And I thank you Lord for protecting your kingdom workers

Especially those who venture into the unknown

For the Peace you give your kingdom workers

In the face of many distractions

For the focus and the new visions

For the tools you send us

For the natural talents

And the new E Generation of Leaders

I thank you Lord

For you are an Almighty God

Relevant Today

Vibrant in our hearts

Bursting in consciousness


Puji Tuhan


  1. Thank God that you are ok
    take care and God bless

  2. Thank you Mary. The Holy Spirit is moving...

  3. Let me share your joy and gladness,
    For you are still as you are today.
    The book of Psalm says
    The Lord will not let you be hurt by the heat of the sun on the day
    Nor by the moon at night
    He will protect your life
    And take good care of your soul
    Now and forever more.

    1 Corinthian 10:13 says
    No temptation has seize you except what is common to men.
    But when you are tempted He will also provide a way out so you can stand up under it.

    That's God promise to those who fear the Lord

  4. Thank you Jallin. You always enlighten me on the deeper meaning of my experiences.

  5. so amazing!I'm sure that u had got a real-life unusual experience-so closely to the end of is precious, life is temporary...we, human beings are too weak, that we really need God in our life.In His Presence!
