Thursday, April 2, 2009


Siapa Jesus Christ? Kenapa ramai yang mencari maklumat tentang Jesus Christ tidak mendapat maklumat yang lebih terperinci sekiranya menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia untuk membuat proses pencarian itu?

Who is Jesus Christ? Why is it that many who look for information on Jesus Christ cannot get more meaningful information when they search using Malay ?

Ini telah menjadi satu cabaran kepada saya, maka saya cuba menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia walaupun ini bukan kekuatan saya.

This has become a challenge to me, so I am trying to write in Malay eventhough this is not my strength.

Saya merasa amat sedih kerana terdapat halangan Bahasa apabila orang mencari jalan untuk mendekati Tuhan.

I feel sad that there is a language barrier when people try to reach God.

Tuhan yang maha kuasa, Tuhan yang mencipta semua... kenapa kita tak dapat maklumat tentang cara Tuhan cuba mendekati kita?

God is all powerful. God created everything...why is it that we cannot get information on the way that God is trying to reach us?


  1. Who is Jesus Christ?
    My personal view on Jesus Christ is he was a man, he was a son and he was much more than everything put together.

    Many are intimidated by him. Why? There's isn't any need to be.

    There are so many opinions about who Christ really is or was? My own opinion, don't try so hard to define Christ. The only thing that an individual needs to do is not trying to explain what Christ should mean to everybody but who is Christ to oneself.

    Read all you want about him. You'll be surprise that you will eventually find that he is in you and that he has become everything.

  2. What a beautiful reflection... I sure would liek to read more about who Jesus is to you....
