Saturday, April 18, 2009


Some listen to rules

Some listen to voices

Who do you listen to?

Some follow Holy Men

Some follow the given law

Who do you open your spirit to?

Some paint for people

Some paint for themselves

Who do you paint for?

I am an artist

Looking for YOU MY LORD

Speak to me as I seek you.....

( This painting is still's called THE RIVER OF HOPE )

Sunday, April 12, 2009


The first born was left alone when it was time to plant.

Left in a gong and floated away.

The Spirit of Love came down from the Moon

and carried him to his new home

on the Moon.

The second born was accepted as the Paramount Chief.

But when he heard that there was one who could leap high

he wanted to destroy him.

Each time they met the other would leap and vanish.

One day he looked at the Moon
and called all the warriors to gather
They made a ladder that reached the moon.
They surrounded him
He who could leap so high.
He was nearly killed
but the Spirit of Love
came and said
This is my son
I gave him his name
He is your brother
I will not let you kill him.
And from that day
they fought together as brothers
and their battles were long
and they were triumphant.


I am begining to realize that the great deception is making people buy into the notion that Jesus Christ is a prophet.

By repackaging Jesus Christ they took away the Christ truth. The truth that Christ is THE CHRIST, THE MESSIAH. Result...a flock of people who do not seek after this Messiah.

A flock of people who choose to be lost.

Of course the CHOICE was not there.

No choice. because they bought the deception.

Well, let us ponder on what Jesus our Messiah said... I am posting this in a language that is relevant to this deception.

Matius 16:13-17

16:13 Setelah Yesus tiba di daerah Kaisarea Filipi, Ia bertanya kepada murid-murid-Nya:
“Kata orang, siapakah Anak Manusia itu?”

"Who do people say the Son of Man is?"

16:14 Jawab mereka: “Ada yang mengatakan: Yohanes Pembaptis, ada juga yang mengatakan: Elia dan ada pula yang mengatakan: Yeremia atau salah seorang dari para nabi.”

"One of the prophets"

16:15 Lalu Yesus bertanya kepada mereka: “Tetapi apa katamu, siapakah Aku ini?”

"But who do you say I am?"

16:16 Maka jawab Simon Petrus: “Engkau adalah Mesias, Anak Allah yang hidup!”

"You are the Messiah, Son of the Living God"

16:17 Kata Yesus kepadanya: “Berbahagialah engkau Simon bin Yunus sebab bukan manusia yang menyatakan itu kepadamu, melainkan Bapa-Ku yang di sorga.

"Be joyous because it is not man that revealed this to you, but My Father in heaven."


It was my first Easter.

For I do not remember feeling this way.

Everything hits me in a different way,..after that day in June when I felt the wave of the Holy Spirit.

It's like I learnt everything again.. and understood for the first time.

That's why there is a Peace that passeth understanding.

I am angry.. I don't mind admitting it.

ANGRY at the puny forces that dare to challenge God..with devious laws.

Well, what to do. We have to call the devil, the devil.

Too long have we been so tolerant that we accept everything, including evil.

Yes , accept all evil just for Peace.

As tho life is about having Peace.

Not the real Peace, that's for sure.

Thank you for giving me this beautiful Easter surrounded with love.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The word salvation has been used in strange ways.

I once saw a headline that went like this..

"The Jungle Is Our Salvation".

I was in a taxi when I read this. The passenger next to me cringed at this abuse of the word


Then there is this gap of meaning I grabble with when I try to write a posting on Salvation in Bahasa Malaysia.

The word "Menyelamat" ( to save )

or "keselamatan" ( safety )

does not even go near to what SALVATION means.

Good Friday is approaching... and here I am thinking about the cruxifiction and salvation.

Let me try to express it in Bahasa Malaysia.

Roh kami sebagai manusia tidak sempurna. Setiap orang pasti berdosa dan tidak dapat masuk syorga kerana syorga adalah tempat yang suci.

(As humans our souls are not perfect. Each of us has sinned and cannot enter heaven becasue heaven is a holy place)

Jesus Christ telah bersihkan dosa kami.

( Jesus Christ has washed away our sins)

Lord Jesus buka pintu ke syorga.

(Lord Jesus openned the door to heaven)

Usaha anda untuk mengikut amalan baik dan membantu masyarakat tidak dapat selamatkan anda kerana anda tetap berdosa.

( All your efforts to follow good practices and help the community cannot save you becasue your are still a sinner.)


( Only Jesus can clean you from all sins)

(And bring you to heaven)

Ini lah maksud SALVATION

(This is the meaning of SALVATION)

Good Friday ingatkan kita bahawa JESUS rela mengorbankan diri untuk menyelamatkan kita dan bawa kita ke syorga.

(Good Friday reminds us that JESUS was willing to sacrifice Himself to save us and bring us to heaven.)

For those who believe in Him will be sons of God.

And what does it mean?

A son is part of a family forever.

Do you want to be a part of God's family forever?

Or do you want to be separated from God forever?

Whom do you fear?

Do you fear God or do you fear man's sometimes strange teachings

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


My goodness I was going to post on my blog Eageleslead and got into must mean I should post here.

I was thinking about a possible exam question..what are the qualities of an effective teacher.. and I started to think of Jesus.

He used parables. They made it easier to understand and remember important values that may have been difficult to explain.

For example the parable of the good shephard tells me that Jesus would not let even one soul be lost.

What about me? Would I let one soul be lost?

You know I used to think it was none of my business..but I was wrong.

He showed the way. A teacher should not expect students to do something she does not do.

He gave his life for us. A teacher must love so deeply that he is willing to give his life.


I was looking for information on Pastoral Care for my blog Http:// It led me to a book called " The Barefoot Counsellor". It made me realize that Priests are trained in listening and leading like Jesus.

To be humble and to serve. Ofcourse when we serve we really serve with love. That is unconditionally.

I asked a group of my students "What is unconditional love" Most of them did not know what it meant.

I realized I had taken Unconditional Love for granted...Imagine so many do not even know there is such beautiful gift as Unconditional Love.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


"You don't have to be so serious.." This was what a friend told me when I told him I was sad because he may not have the chance to know about salvation.

"Every religion points to good.." That was his conclusion.

"My wife is a Christian. I do go to church. I learn the way the priest teaches..." But I gathered that he used what he learnt in his own faith...So here I was faced with a dilemma of talking to an open minded religious teacher who believes that religion is the right way to ...well to what I wonder...

How , o how could I help him to see the urgency of it all...Why o why was he blind to the call...and he was a real real nice person....I could see that he would be a great soldier in the spiritual battle...

My thoughts come to Paul who said that if the walk to God is based on "law" and not "faith" will not take us to salvation.

Would anyone care to enlighten us on this point?


Siapa Jesus Christ? Kenapa ramai yang mencari maklumat tentang Jesus Christ tidak mendapat maklumat yang lebih terperinci sekiranya menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia untuk membuat proses pencarian itu?

Who is Jesus Christ? Why is it that many who look for information on Jesus Christ cannot get more meaningful information when they search using Malay ?

Ini telah menjadi satu cabaran kepada saya, maka saya cuba menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia walaupun ini bukan kekuatan saya.

This has become a challenge to me, so I am trying to write in Malay eventhough this is not my strength.

Saya merasa amat sedih kerana terdapat halangan Bahasa apabila orang mencari jalan untuk mendekati Tuhan.

I feel sad that there is a language barrier when people try to reach God.

Tuhan yang maha kuasa, Tuhan yang mencipta semua... kenapa kita tak dapat maklumat tentang cara Tuhan cuba mendekati kita?

God is all powerful. God created everything...why is it that we cannot get information on the way that God is trying to reach us?