Sunday, March 15, 2009


I was not expecting to see the jungle from a road leading up to a mountainside school. The mist in a distance made it almost unreal. So beautiful and yet so alarming. For trucks bigger than I have ever seen carried logs longer than I have ever known. No branches. No bark. Left somewhere to rot , he told me.

There is something I want to tell you, I told him. I have changed. I told him of the moment when the Holy Spirit touched me and why I now had this blog. For I wanted to reach out to all who were afraid to read the Bible.

Why some were forbidden to read a letter from God seems absurd. For are they not afarid that not to read is actually what they should be worried of.

Yet the Evil one is so complex an enemy. The deception , the Spirit of Religion , as my friend Theresa put it...yes, sadly I agree. Many people searching for God get persuaded by the Spirit of Religion that seems to take them to where they wana go. Only to be taken not to Salvation but to a place where they feel they are on the right Path. But sadly , so tragically, it is not the right path at all.

One great deception is this notion that all religions are the same because they teach us to do good. If we are talking of right conduct yes. But right conduct is no substitute for Salvation.

And Benjamin put it well. He said, they always tell me, we are praying to the same God. He answered. There is one God. But Jesus is the way to salvation.

It seems that that is where we defer. I mean where religions are concerend. I mean people are comfortable about saying we pray to the one God and even the same God. But when we say Jesus is the way to Salvation, that is where some back away. Afraid?

If you have backed away all this while... ask yourself...why back away?

What if Jesus is the way to Salvation.

Are you going to waste your life and lose this one chance to know your Saviour?


  1. Your article reminds me of a verse saying:
    "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can see the Father except by Me."
    That's what Jesus said. Anyone believes in Him shall not perish but inherit eternal life. What a wonderful to make a right choice to believe in Jesus, the only God who leads you to heaven.
    Thank you for your sharing...

  2. Thanks for this.. someone once said.. the spirit of the end times is an anti-Christ spirit.. not an anti-God spirit.. the world does not want to hear Jesus.. yet the Bible says.. at the mention of that Name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.. there is power in the Name of Jesus.. power that the 'evil one' is not happy with.. but there's nothing he can do anymore really.. let's not stop believing in and proclaiming that Name.. for He is our savior and the only way to the Father.. worthy is the Lamb that was slain

  3. I am just beginning to feel the power of Jesus eventhough I have been a Christian all my life. It just goes to show we can be Christians without knowing Jesus.. which is a cause for concern. Yet when Jesus has touched us.. we become filled with an overfliwng desire to bring all to know him. And its not book knowledge. So if you have felt the tocuh of Our Lord, please share your story...for you may be a bridge to someones heart...

  4. These words hurt the enemy because they come with power and authority. Jesus bruised his head, but he will bruise His heel. Since we are the Body of Christ, including the feet, we may be bruised once we come against the enemy. It is warfare. But while his wound is fatal, ours is not. Jesus will make us more than conquerors. Stay close and see the salvation of the Lord.

  5. Thanks for pointing out that it is war. Yes we do get hurt in war. Expect pain. So when it happens, do not lose heart.
