Wednesday, February 11, 2009


It was intriguing
The way LUCIAN seems to
So much like you
......... Messiah

He gave his life to save one he loved

She gave her life for Lucian
Killed by her own father

For victory is thinking of me first
And me forever

Not of you

Love is laying down your life

Victory is taking a life

It's no wonder
.................. Messiah

I remembered

When Lucian was whipped with blades that cut into his flesh

And the anger of the LYCANS

Led to a rebellion

And Lucian cried

You have a Choice


His call jumped out at me

I heard you telling me

I have a choice

This is my choice

I choose to believe...

I have made a decision

To be free.


  1. Let you be strong like Samson
    Wise like King Solomon
    Patient like Job
    And bold like David
    As earnest as Ruth
    And as faithful as Easter
    Let these living instances your imitation
    A courage and strength for your soul

    And let you be courageous like Paul
    Though suffers thousand and one temptations
    Sued in court for telling the truth
    Imprisoned for doing good
    But he pressed on till he reached the goal
    Blessed are you the peacemaker
    For you will be called son of the Almighty
    Rejoice and be glad
    For great is your reward awaiting you
