Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This is a mysterious painting from Raphael Scott Abeng.

When I looked at the poem I saw something.

When I photographed it I saw something more.

Try zooming and tell me what you see


  1. i saw a human figure that i consider as GOD...
    and there are angles surrounding HIM....
    it is a wonderful painting... and it is a mysterious painting......

  2. i see the white outstanding representing good striving to come out of the evil disguised as pretty colours

    morbid? maybe.

  3. wow...
    interesting painting....
    i can c a black figure which symbolise evil...
    n d white wings surround the evil re pigeons...
    Pigeons symbolise peace....
    The evil hav control the world...
    n make the world in war n x peaceful again....

  4. thousands of angels flying.

    Looking for peace?

    Looking for GOD?

    Looking for Holy Love?

  5. Oh my it is so magical to read your thoughts tonight...It makes the mystery come alive. Hope you will all write more...great to know what you are thinking about...

  6. I can see someone in power
    Trying to preach
    While the one in white are listening attentively
    Looks like evils strategy to control the people of the world...

  7. Yes now I understand what David Chew said.. that abstract paintings talk to us...

  8. what the painter want to tell us is,
    in this world we can meet different people...
    and different people is facing with their different problem.....
    People can showing their emotion on their face.....and,
    people can change their emotion in evey minutes..
