Sunday, September 6, 2009



I was thinking about this.

I know I must strive to be Christ like.

I have a dilemma.

Why was there this line.."Spare the rod and spoil the child"?

Does it mean that God wants us to beat our children?

Or that teachers should beat children.

Or we should beat adults when we are angry.

As I ponder on this I ask Jesus to give me an answer.

He answered me.

He said: Did I beat anyone?

I answered : " No, My Lord. But many beat you. And they sure were not beating you WITH LOVE or for a heavenly purpose.

As I thought, I saw that the Prince Of This World wants to detroy LOVE.

That is what Jesus brought us.

The Salvation by LOVE.

We are being disobedient when we do not obey this commandment.

Jesus said: The greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God.

And the second is as important.

Love thy neighbour as yourself.

That includes our children and our students.


No double standards please.

What do you think?

Please pose your comment.

1 comment:

  1. We are saved by God's grace, not by our good deed
    For God love us while we are yet sinners
    We bound to be punished but God save us through
    Jesus Christ who died on the cross
    Praise the Lord for His amazing grace
